
Decision Skills Help a Family Navigate Cancer

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In addition to her regular job as a school teacher, Carrie Brumbach works for DEF training other teachers how to implement DEF programs. She and her family have had countless major decisions to make since her husband's cancer diagnosis.

Carrie Brumbach is a longtime DEF trainer for the StrongStart Bridge Program, which she piloted at Elmira High School in Oregon. Currently a middle school teacher in Redmond, Oregon, Carrie shares her experience successfully implementing DEF materials with 6th graders in a summer camp. She also trains other teachers to deliver DEF's StrongStart program.​In 2020 Carrie's husband Aaron was diagnosed with Leukemia. Carrie and Aaron share how learning Decision Skills helped their family in responding to the difficult decision situations they had to face.

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Decision Skills Help a Family Navigate Cancer

A teacher faces a set of challenging health decisions when her husband is diagnosed with leukemia. Carrie's story provides an opportunity for a teacher to share how learning to teach Decision Skills has made an important difference in her life.

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